Business Innovation and Investment Visa is for businesspersons and investors wishing to own or manage a business in Australia or conduct business, investment or entrepreneurial activity in Australia. This is a 5 year provisional visa and provides pathway to permanently settle in Australia after complying with the provisional visa conditions. This visa has the following visa streams.


This is a points based invitation only visa for those with a demonstrated successful business career wanting to genuinely own and manage a new or an existing business in Australia. To qualify for this visa, you should meet the following core requirements:

  • score at least 65 points;
  • be aged under 55 years;
  • have successfully owned one or more businesses with an annual turnover of at least A$750,000 in two of the last four financial years;
  • have combined (with partner) net business and personal assets valued at A$1.25 million
  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency and receive invitation to apply;
  • not be involved in any unacceptable business or investment activity;
  • have functional English or pay additional Visa Application Charge;
  • meet Health and Character requirements.

Can I Extend This Visa

Yes, Business Innovation Stream Visa can be extended once, for upto two years, provided you have held the visa for at least 3 years and are nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency.

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If you are a start-up or an early stage entrepreneur with an innovative idea, you may be eligible for Business Visa under the Entrepreneur Stream. To qualify, you must meet the following requirements:

  • be aged under 55 years;
  • have an innovative idea that will lead to commerciaslisation of a product or service or development of an enterprise or business in Australia;
  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency and receive invitation to apply;
  • not be involved in any unacceptable business or investment activity;
  • have functional English or pay additional Visa Application Charge;
  • meet Health and Character requirements.


This is also a points based invitation only visa for those wanting to make designated investments and meeting following criteria:

  • score at least 65 points;
  • be aged under 55 years;
  • have 3 years experience, with demonstrated high level management skills and successful record, of managing one or more qualifying business or eligible investments;
  • have combined (with partner) net business and personal assets valued at A$2.5 million in the two years immediately preceeding invitation to apply;
  • invest A$2.5 million in a complying significant investment and hold the investment for the life of the visa;
  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency and receive invitation to apply;
  • not be involved in any unacceptable business or investment activity;
  • have functional English or pay additional Visa Application Charge;
  • meet Health and Character requirements.
  • must genuinely intend to live for at least two years in the nominating State or Territory

Can I Extend This Visa

Yes, Business Investor Stream Visa can be extended once, for upto four more years, provided you have held the visa for at least 3 years and are nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency.

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There is no points test or upper age restrictions requirements for this visa. To qualify, you need to:

  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade and receive invitation to apply;
  • invest A$5.00 million into complying significant investments;
  • not be involved in any unacceptable business or investment activity;
  • have functional English or pay additional Visa Application Charge;
  • meet Health and Character requirements.
  • must genuinely intend to live for at least two years in the nominating State or Territory

Can I Extend This Visa

Yes, Business Significant Investor Stream Visa can be extended once, for upto four more years, provided you have held the visa for at least 3 years and are nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency.

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Call, Email or Submit this Visa Enquiry Form (preferred) now:

(Onshore): 09-2641313
(Offshore): +64-9-2641313
Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

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