Are you the Remaining Relative, Aged Dependent Relative or Carer of eligible Australian Citizen, Eligible Australian Permanent Resident or Eligible New Zealand Citizen? Find out the requirements to qualify and contact us if you wish apply for the Australian Family Visas.
Remaining Relative Visa
This visa is for near relative of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen living in Australia. Near relative may be your or your partner's parent or step-parent, your sibling or step sibling, your child or step child not dependent on you. To qualify for this visa, you must meet the requirements mentioned in parent visa and you and/or your partner must not have any near relative living outside Australia.
Remaining Relative visa is also capped and as at February 2021, applications queued up to 2 August 2011 have been released for processing. Estimated processing times for new applicantions lodged now is approximately 50 years.
Aged Dependent Relative Visa
To qualify for this visa, you must:
- be financially dependent upon your relative in Australia for at last 3 years;
- be of pension age (currently between 65-67 years depending upon your date of birth);
- not have a spouse or de-facto partner;
- be sponsored by your Australian relative (partner, parent, grandparent, child, grand child, siblings, aunt, uncle niece, nephew including step equivalent);
- provide assurance of support;
- not have any outstanding debts to Australian government;
- meet health and character requirements
There is high demand for this visa and this visa also is also capped. As at February 2021, applications queued up to 2 August 2011 have been released for processing. Estimated processing times for new applicantions lodged now is approximately 50 years.
Carer Visa
To qualify, you must:
- be sponsored by your relative or their partner;
- relative or their family member has medical condition that requires medical care;
- relative or family member cannot get reasonable care from any relative living in Australia or from hospital or welfare services in Australia;
- you understand their needs and are able to provide substantial and continuing assistance;
- you meet health and character requirements;
- you sign Australian Values Statement.
Call, Email or Submit this Visa Enquiry Form (preferred) now:
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Hours: | Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm | ||